4H – Judging Teams

1st place blue ribbon

Developing Blue Ribbon 4-H Members

Judging teams are a great way to learn more about different topics and put into practice, the knowledge gained through competitive activities. Their is a judging team for every 4-H member. Below is a selection of judging teams with dates, locations and contact information to begin learning more about your preferred judging event!

To register for 4-H Fall Judging Contest Visit Here.

​Consumer Decision Making

Consumer Decision Making trains young people in decision making skills related to purchasing decisions. The contest teaches how to observe, compare and make decisions based on facts collected. It also provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions with oral reasons.​​  

For more information, contact: Kane Reeves

​Horse Judging

4-H Horse Judging is not just for those individuals with horses. Horse Judging helps 4-H members recognize desirable and undesirable qualities in horses. They will learn to make logical decisions about horse quality and develop the skills to defend those decision based on the information they have learned.

For more information, contact: Kelsea Koonce

Family and Consumer Skillathon

FCS Skillathon is an interactive learning activity for middle school children usually held in conjunction with state/regional fair competition across Tennessee. It teaches life skills in health, nutrition, finances, design and family interaction, through activity boards.​​

For more information, contact: Kane Reeves

Livestock Judging

Livestock judging contests consist of market and breeding animals, including beef, meat goats, sheep, and swine. Participants rank the animals in the classes, answer questions on chosen classes, and deliver sets of oral reasons from memory.

For more information, contact: Kelsea Koonce

Meats Judging

Meats judging contests consist of retail meat identification and judging of retail meat cuts for lamb, beef and pork. Retail meat identification consists of identifying the species, primal cut, retail cut and cookery method. Judging requires the participants to rank the meat in the classes and answer questions on chosen classes​.

  For more information, contact: Kane Reeves

Outdoor Meat Cookery

Outdoor Meat Cookery judges promote the use of meat produces in the diet by teaching the art and science of safely preparing beef, lamb, pork and poultry in an outdoor setting.​

For more information, contact: Kane Reeves

Dairy Product Judging

This program helps you learn how to judge dairy products based on how they look, feel, taste, and smell. You’ll understand how different production, processing, and handling methods affect the quality of dairy products. This knowledge will also help you identify various cheeses and tell the difference between real dairy products and substitutes.

For more information, contact: Kane Reeves